

Future Remnants at Collectible Brussels

Future Remants will be part of the curated show at Collectible Brussels. The fair for contemporary collectible design will take place at the Vanderborght building in Brussels. DETAILS VIP & Press preview: Wednesday 13 March Fair days Thursday 14 March 12-19 Friday 15 March 12-20 Saturday 16 March 12-20 Sunday 17 March 12-17 I will be present on Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday. I hope to meet …

Collectible Brussels, Curated Show – Future Remnants

After first being longlisted, I am now proud to announce I have been shortlisted by an independent jury for the Dezeen Award ‘Emerging Designer of the Year’. Regardless of winning, I am very honored to belong to the last 5 contenders. The prize will be awarded on 30th of October in London. Fingers crossed!

KIKK Festival & Conference

From 1 -4 November, Future Remnants will be part of the exhibition 'Species and Beyond' at KIKK Festival 2018! In addition, I will give a keynote presentation at the conference, with the theme 'Re-inventing the landscape'. Dates and times can be found at the KIKK Festival website .

Dutch Design Week 2018

I am happy to invite you to Dutch Design Week 2018! You can see my work in four different exhibitions. The first three are conveniently located in the same location: VEEM building at Strijp S. Never before shown in the Netherlands, Future Remnants is shown as part of Dutch Invertuals: Mutant Matter. Future Remnants research is shown at the New Material Award exhibition, for which the project was …

New Material Award 2018

I am happy and excited to share I am nominated for the New Material Award 2018 with my project Future Remnants. The project will be shown at Dutch Design Week, as well as at Milan Design Week 2019. The winner will be announced during Dutch Design Week! More info about place & time soon.

Genesis at Science Gallery Dublin

The next phase in my research project Genesis will be on display at Science Gallery Dublin as part of the exhibition Life At The Edges. The exhibition examines life in extraordinary environments, and humankind's passion for exploration, adventure, and discovery. Genesis uses the coloring properties of extremophiles as an indicator of their growth and evolution. Nine containers are lined up to …

Dutch Invertuals X FranklinTill: Mutant Matter at Milan Design Week 2018

I am happy to say I have developed new work for the upcoming exhibition Mutant Matter for Dutch Invertuals, this year co-curated with FranklinTill. Mutant Matter Humankind used to take the materials of nature offered and make them into something new. Now, there's a new stage in the cycle, as nature takes human materials and transforms them once more. The making materials of today become the mined …

Masterclass 'Make your own Hydrophone' at MU Artspace

On Saturday 16 February I will give a masterclass 'Make your own Hydrophone' at MU Artspace, together with sound engineer Jan Pieter van Kesteren. As an extension of my award-winning project 'Seasynthesis', in which underwater recordings of the North Sea are translated into an 8-channel composition, the class aims to spread awareness and empower the participants to start listening to the …

As Above, So Below at Artefact 2018

A second edition of As Above, So Below will be part of the exhibition 'This Rare Earth - Stories From Below' at the Artefact festival in Leuven, Belgium. Commissioned for the show, the setup shows a series of pictures explaining the process of 'mining' stardust and entailed a new effort to use meteorites as a resource. Gaining knowledge about the diversity and complexity of the material, the …

Seasynthesis at Life Time, MU Artspace

The first result of my collaboration with NIOZ and IMARES for the Bio Art & Design Awards 2017 is now on show at MU Artspace in Eindhoven as part of the exhibition Life Time! Seasynthesis is an ongoing research project that aims to provide access to the sea through listening. As sound travels five times faster through water compared to air, we gain a valuable understanding of the activity of …